Classmate Profiles

     User has created a profile: 73
     Profile contains photos: 66
     In Memory: 54
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 53
     Military Service: 68
   Restricted to Classmates only


Show by:    A-Z    Last Updated: 73    Newest Members: 73    Latest Comments: 59  

George Alexander     
Paul Aloi    
Robert Amato     
Allan Anderson    
Paul Ardoin     
Aner Lawrence Autry Jr   
Peter Basso    
George Belsinger    
Joseph M. Benedik    
Thomas Berger     
Christopher Bonsteel    
Bill Borden    
Dwyte Brown
Richard Burggraff   
William Byrd    
Enrico (Rick) Carpenti   
Alfred Carroll   
James Castonguay   
Walt Chalmers    
Steve Channon
George Chiplock    
Mirko Chokel
James Cincotta   
Don Clarke     
David Collins    
Richard Collins    
Thomas Conlon     
Louis E. Cornu    
Edward Cox   
Patrick Coyne
George Crim    
Peter Crowley    
Richard Cusin    
Dennis Dean    
Michael Dennis    
Ronald Denton   
Leonard DiGiovanni     
Michael Dorothy     
James Etheridge     
Ronald Farley    
Brian Ferguson (Ferguson)    
Gary Fields
Edward Flanagan
Bill Flanigan     
Frederick Frank    
Flavius "Chip" Galiber   
John Galvin     
Carl Gattuso
Dan Gill  
Michael Golembieski     
Paul Gramlich
James Greene
Robert Hampton    
Joseph Harbison     
Sam Harris Jr.    
Dennis Hartnett     
John Hatley
William Hawkins    
Timothy Heaney   
Virgil Heathcock
James Heflin (Heflin)    
Richard Henderson
James Herbert
James Garland Herbert   
Joseph Herring    
John Hickey    
Richard Hines    
John Hodges     
Patrick Hoffman    
John Hough    
Dennis Hunt   
James Hynes     
David Jablonski    
Antonio Javonillo    
Joseph Jennings   
Joseph Johnson   
James Jones   
Thomas Jones     
James Keatts     
Frederick Kilgore     
Daniel Kirby     
Harry Knott
Richard Kober   
Paul Krull     
Leonard Landini
Stratton Liapis     
Leo LoJacono
John Lyons     
Joseph Malloy
Dennis Marmer     
Louis Marmo
James McDonald
Walter McGinnis   
Peter Mecklenburg     
James Mewshaw
Paul Moran
Thomas Morrison
J. Vincent Moskaitis    
James Mullican     
Joe Mundie     
Victor Murillo    
Michael Murphy
Norwood Nickens    
John O'Connell (Manli T…)     
Paul O'Connell     
James O'Donnell     
Robert O'Halloran     
Michael O'Malley     
Joseph O'Neill
Nelson Osio
Gary Owens
Walter Raymond Page   
James Pangle   
Bryan Patchan   
Thomas Patrick     
John Pender    
Raymond Petronchak
Andrew Pica
David Ponds   
Thomas J. Price I I     
George Raynor
Jan Redman
Joseph Reeb
Michael Reese    
Ssg William K. Reeve II…    
Kenneth Roach
William Robinson
R. Charles Robson    
Thomas Rodman
Daniel Rodriquez
Charles Roesle    
Michael Rohrer    
James Rollins
Donald Rushing    
Charles Ryan
Joseph V. Saitta     
Mark Savercool (Savercool)   
Michael Scalise    
Marcus Schmeltz
Michael Schroth   
Leonard Sese     
Maurice Shaw    
James Sheehy    
Donald Shepard     
Norris Sheppard   
Francis Shoemaker   
Edgar Simpson   
Richard Smialek    
Clinton Smith   
Paul Smith
Thomas Smith
Luciano Sotero   
Michael Spain
Daniel Stedman    
Michael Stedman     
Frank Synowiec     
William Thomas
Donald Tiffany    
Jaime Torquemada    
Lawrence Vail
Leo Villano   
Lloyd Warder   
Lawrence Warman Jr.   
William Wersick   
Joseph West   
Tom Whelan
Jeffrey White   
Francis Whitehead
Samuel Whitt    
Frederick Willis   
John Yingling
John Zurad    

Guest Members

John Mudd
Stacy Rubens   
Mark Savercool

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